Some small business credit cards seem to get all of the attention. These are the flashy cards that offer impressive perks or valuable points that can be transferred to airline miles. But behind the scenes are a few lesser known cards that offer unique rewards that can be equally valuable.
Here are the most overlooked credit cards, and why you should take notice of them:
1. JetBlue Business Card
This airline credit card for small businesses offers rewards and benefits that go well beyond the standard frequent flyer card. You receive 30,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on new purchases within the first 90 days of account opening. You also earn 6x points on JetBlue purchases, 2x points at restaurants and office supply stores, and one point per dollar spent on all other purchases.
Benefits include a free checked bag, a 50% savings on inflight purchases, and 10% of your redeemed miles back. You also receive TrueBlue Mosaic elite status when you use your card to make $50,000 worth of purchases in a calendar year. There’s a $99 annual fee for this card, and no foreign transaction fees.
*All information about the JetBlue Business Card credit card has been collected independently by Nav. This card is not currently available through Nav. To see what business credit cards are available, please visit the Nav Credit Card Marketplace.
This unique charge card offers you the flexibility to earn competitive rewards, or to extend payment. your business’s cash flow is tight, you can have up to 60 days to pay with no interest charges. There’s an annual fee of .
But whenThis article was originally written on June 12, 2017 and updated on February 8, 2023.
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